New students
Beginner courses
Monday’s 7:15–8:30pm
Upcoming Courses:
New students are welcome to attend our studio anytime. Our teaching approach makes yoga accessible to everybody regardless of age, gender, fitness or flexibility. Everyone can benefit from the practice of yoga, it’s all about how we practice.
If you are new to Iyengar yoga it is best to start with our Beginner Course, the Level 1 classes or General classes. Our 4-week Beginner course is ideal if you haven’t practiced yoga before and want to develop confidence, or are working with an injury or a medical condition. The foundational understanding of the practice the Beginner course provides can benefit everyone, and will prepare you to attend our other classes.
If you've already practiced other styles of yoga before; are feeling confident; or want to get started straight away you can join our Level 1 classes. We warmly welcome the many new students who start at Level 1. New students are also welcome at General classes, although those completely new to yoga would ideally attend a few Level 1 classes first to get a feel for the method and the use of props.
Iyengar yoga is a specific method that teaches us how to practice. If you have practiced other styles of yoga before, you will gain the greatest benefits if you come with an open mind, and are receptive to learning a new methodology.
Please feel free to contact Tessa if you have any questions or would like further advice about starting your yoga practice with us.

“Change leads to disappointment if it is not sustained. Transformation is sustained change, and it is achieved through practice.”
- B.K.S Iyengar
Class descriptions
Level 1
Level 1 classes are the best place to start if you have completed our Beginner course or are new to Iyengar yoga. These classes teach the preliminary postures, or asanas, in a way that develops a foundational understanding of the Iyengar yoga method, and its use of props.
Please see information in the Attending class section.
Students progress at their own pace, depending on how consistently they practice. On average you will spend 1-2 years as a Level 1 student.
If you have been regularly attending our Level 1 or General classes for some time, please to move up to Level 2 classes when you feel ready. Feel free to ask our teachers if you're not sure which is the best level of class for you.
Level 2
In Level 2 classes we start to work with more subtlety, precision, and longer timings within the postures. A wider range of asanas are introduced, including inversions. In the Level 2 classes we gradually build up our stamina and understanding of Sirsasana (headstand) and Sarvangasana (shoulderstand) which are important components of a balanced practice.
Regularly attending students progress steadily, and find the benefits of the practice integrate into their lives.
Level 3
Level 3 classes are available for regularly attending students who have already spent some time attending Level 2 classes and are committed to their practice.
Tessa teaches the Level 3 classes which are for students who work with intention to deepen their understanding of the practice, and to further integrate yoga into their lives. In these classes we continue to refine our skill in action and develop greater depth of perception in the practice. There is a strong emphasis on the importance of the inversions and Sirsasana and Sarvangasana should already be established.
Regular attendance is neccessary to get the most from these classes. You will already have a home practice or be willing to begin one.
General classes are suitable for everybody, but are not the ideal place to start if you are completely new to yoga. See our New students section for more information.
In General classes, students practicing at different levels are mixed in together. Students are supported to practice at their level of understanding and newer students benefit from practicing with and observing more experienced students. Alternative postures will be given when more experienced students are practicing inversions and other asanas that may not yet be suitable for newer students.
Our general classes are a bustling and diverse mix of keen yogis!
Beginner course
Our regular Beginner courses are ideal for new students and include four specific beginner classes.
Students start as beginners together and the course develops confidence while starting a yoga practice.
You can find more information on our New students section.
Live-streamed classes
Some General and Level 2 classes include a live-streamed option for students to attend without being in the studio. In-person teaching is particularly important when beginning yoga practice, so you will need to be at least a regularly-attending Level 1 student familiar with using the props to attend a live-streamed class.
Wellington-based students are expected to attend the studio when possible to benefit from in-person teaching.
As well as developing the use of props in yoga, BKS Iyengar also developed dedicated Restorative yoga practice. Restorative yoga is now very popular and widely appreciated for its therapeutic benefits.
The Sunday afternoon Restorative workshops taught by Tessa (usually bi-monthly) are slower-paced and emphasise quietening physically, emotionally and mentally. Each workshop is unique and may include asana, pranayama (mindful breathing techniques) and meditation.
Restorative practice is especially helpful for relieving stress, tension, anxiety and to balance and soothe the central nervous system. Restorative practice assists in maintaining a healthy immune system and the Restorative workshops are the perfect way to rejuvenate at the end of your week.
Some experience of Iyengar yoga is required to attend Restorative workshops. Bookings are essential and can be made directly from our online timetable.
Tessa regularly teaches workshops which encourage students to further investigate their practice. The workshops have a specific theme and the extra time allows us to observe more closely specific actions that are being worked with in different groups of asana. We get to delve a little deeper! The workshops are for regularly attending students who wish to deepen their practice-based understanding. Bookings are essential and can be made directly from our online timetable.
Attending class
There are a few simple things students can do to help everyone gain the greatest benefit from their practice.
The studio opens 10 - 15 minutes before each class so the teacher can ask about any injuries or medical conditions you may have, and so you can settle on your mat by the class start time.
Arriving late for class can be disruptive so please make every effort to arrive in good time.
Students take shoes off at the door and carry these through to the changing rooms.
Please switch cell phones off before the class and leave these in the changing room.
Please do not come to class if you are unwell. The live-streamed class option (for regular students) is a good option when unwell.
It is better for you to not eat 2-3 hours before class and to drink before and after practicing. Students do not have water bottles in the class.
Students wear comfortable clothing that ideally shows or fits closely around the knees. This allows the teacher to check the alignment of the knee joint.
Out of respect for others in the room please do not wear strong perfumes or deodorants.
Remember, yoga is non-competitive and for your own benefit. Focus on your practice and do not be concerned with others.
You will gain the greatest benefits from a consistent practice. Attending the same class/es each week enables the teacher to become familiar and assist you with any patterns of imbalance or injuries you may be working with, but is not essential. More regular attendance allows the benefits of yoga to be felt and develops practice-based understanding.
If you are visiting from other Iyengar schools feel free to join at your usual class ‘level'.

Booking and pricing
Purchasing passes
Book classes directly from our timetable.
You can pay for casual classes and purchase class passes online, or in the studio with cash and Eftpos.
Full time students with valid ID, Please contact Tessa for our 10% Student Discount Code. Not valid on our new student intro offer.
Gift vouchers are available for all our classes and courses. Please email Tessa to enquire.